Eg er for seint ute med det meste! Har nokre challengar som eg slit med å følgje opp. Det er berre å innsjå at andre ting krev så mykje energi at syrommet blir nedprioritert. Vel, det rettar sikkert på seg snart. No er det vinterferie og!
Link to ScrapHappySaturday.
Welcome to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge of 2019. I've been at this for a while now and still don't seem to be out of scraps. I hope you will join in and try to put some of your own scraps to good use. I was playing with my scraps one day, many years ago and feeling a little overwhelmed. It occurred to me that it might be fun to tackle one color each month and try to get them all under control.
Each month I will announce a color. Your job is to use your scraps to make something. A block, a few blocks, a small project, an entire quilt. The details are all us to you. Hopefully, by the end of the year, you will have enough blocks for a quilt, or a finished project or two.
I am also planning a sampler quilt along again this year, the details are being developed and will appear soon in a nearby tab. You don't have to participate in the quilt along to be part of the challenge. You just have to have some scraps you would like to use up.
Each Saturday, I host a linky party so that you can link to your own blog post, or Instagram or whatever. Just write a post about your scrappy progress and share it with us all. Then you can take some time to visit other peoples posts and be inspired by their scrappy creativity.
10 Colors for 2019 in no special order: red, orange, yellow, green, aqua, dark blue, light blue, purple, pink, brown or black.
Each month I will announce a color. Your job is to use your scraps to make something. A block, a few blocks, a small project, an entire quilt. The details are all us to you. Hopefully, by the end of the year, you will have enough blocks for a quilt, or a finished project or two.
I am also planning a sampler quilt along again this year, the details are being developed and will appear soon in a nearby tab. You don't have to participate in the quilt along to be part of the challenge. You just have to have some scraps you would like to use up.
Each Saturday, I host a linky party so that you can link to your own blog post, or Instagram or whatever. Just write a post about your scrappy progress and share it with us all. Then you can take some time to visit other peoples posts and be inspired by their scrappy creativity.
10 Colors for 2019 in no special order: red, orange, yellow, green, aqua, dark blue, light blue, purple, pink, brown or black.
November and December will be for finishing and so there will not be official colors announced. You may of course, add more colors of your choice or catch up on missed colors as well.
Som de ser så er dette veldig fritt, ein ny farge kvar månad, gjerne av stoffrestar. I januar sydde eg nokre panel som skal bli til strikkeveske mm pluss 2 improv stjerner.
No i februar er fargen gul, så eg gledar meg til å jumpe ned i restekassa igjen.
Vinterferien er her, og det beste er at snøen er borte og ein har skikkeleg vårfornemmingar. Dagane blir lengre, sola kjem høgare på himmelen, den beste tida på året, kanskje?
Ha ei fin veke!
Nice post.Keep sharing. Thanks for sharing.
SvarSlettEin kan få mykje fint ut av restar!